Volume XXIX (December 2011)
Table of Contents
Papers selected from the Colloquia-Panels at the Classical Association of Canada Annual Meeting at Dalhousie University, May 10-12, 2011.
On Self
Seamus O'Neill ā 'You have been in Afghanistan, I perceive': Demonic Agency in Augustine
D. Gregory MacIsaacĀ ā The Nous of the Partial Soul in Proclus' Commentary on the First Alcibiades of Plato
Timothy RiggsĀ ā Elements of the Authentic Self in FÄrÄbÄ«: Between Alexander and Proclus
Matthew RobinsonĀ ā Individual Agency in Bonaventure's Account of Natural Knowledge
Evan KingĀ ā The Priority of Iustitia for Meister Eckhart
Peter BullerwellĀ ā Doing and Seeing in Meister Eckhart and Michel Henry
On Praying and Thinking
Jennifer OttoĀ ā An Education in Virtue: Philosophical Speculation and Religious Observance in the Thought of Philo of Alexandria
Emily ParkerĀ ā A Portrait of Many Colours: Philo's Account of Roman Political Administration in Alexandria
Serge CazelaisĀ ā PriĆØre, Ć©lĆ©vation spirituelle et connaissance de Dieu chez Marius Victorinus
Eleni PachoumiĀ ā Praying and Thinking: Religious and Philosophical Interactions in the Representations of the Abstract Deified Concept of Aion in Magical Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt
Simon FortierĀ ā Proclus et l'orthodoxie: une rĆ©ponse au travail rĆ©cent de Polymnia Athanassiadi
Martin CurranĀ ā The Circular Activity of Prayer in Boethius' Consolation
Michael FournierĀ ā Boethius pro se de magia
Martin SastriĀ ā Sed Iohannes praecucurrit citius Petro...primo intrat Petrus in monumentum, deinde Iohannes: Eriugena's Appropriation of Dionysian Exegesis in the Homilia
Benjamin LeeĀ ā Stupefactus haesito maximoque horrore concussus titubo: Eriugena's Critical Use of Augustine on Paradise and Resurrection in the Periphyseon
W.J. Torrance KirbyĀ ā "Betwene the throne of God in heaven and his Church upon earth here militant": Instruction and Prayer in the Fifth Book of Hooker's Lawes