

Volume XXXI (December 2013)

Table of Contents

Joseph Gerbasi — Aristotle at the End of Metaphysics: A Review of Pierre Aubenque's Le Problème de l'être chez Aristote 

Matthew Wood — Aristotelian Ontology and its Contemporary Appropriation: Some Thoughts on the Concept of Analogy

Tikhon Alexander Pino — Plotinus and the Aristotelian Hylomorphic Body: Making Room in Entelechy for the Soul as Substantial Form

Daniel James Watson — Images of Unlikeness: Proclus on Homeric σύμβολον and the Perfection of the Rational Soul

Edward P. Butler — The Henadic Origin of Procession in Damascius

Gioacchino Curiello — Pseudo-Dionysius and the Damascius: An Impossible Identification

Max Rohstock — Nicholas of Cusa's "Not Other": The Absolute as Negative Self-Reference

Tony Partridge — The One and the Divine Light of Truth in Plotinus and Florensky

Enrico Peroli — Dialectic of Freedom: Hans Jonas and Augustine

Cézar Enia — Le temps et l'éternité dans les religions archaïques selon Mircea Eliade: les éléments préfiguratives de l'Incarnation dans l'ontologie primitive