

Field Schools

Earth Sciences Field Schools

ERTH 2270: Geophysics Field School

Geophysics Field School is offered at the end of April as part of ERTH 2270 (Introduction to Applied Geophysics).

ERTH 3001: Earth Sciences Field School

Earth Sciences Field School (ERTH 3001) is a  10-day field school run in late August-early September. This is compulsory for honours students.

Based at Camp Geddie on the Northumberland Strait, Earth Sciences Field School introduces students to field mapping and related skills.

ERTH 4156: Petroleum Geoscience Field Methods

ERTH 4156 (Petroleum Geoscience Field Methods) includes a series of preparatory classes followed by a week-long excursion to Trinidad during study break. In addition, many classes include one or more field trips to a variety of locations in Nova Scotia.

Environmental Science Field Schools

ENVS 2000: Urban Field School

Urban Field School  offers an introduction to urban environmental science by examining the role of humans in ecosystems and how humans change ecosystem processes and functions within urban areas. Students gain hands-on experience in environmental science techniques during excursions in different urban settings with the Halifax Regional Municipality.

Field School dates: May 13 to May 24, 2024.

Instructor: James Steenberg

Pre- requisites: ENVS 1000.06, or ENVS 1100.03 and 1200.03 and open only to students in the BSc or BA Environmental Science Program.

Notes: The class consists of daily field trips and/or labs. An auxilliary fee of $20 is charged to cover field expenses. 

For more information contact: environment@dal.ca

ENVS 2500: Field Methods in Environmental Science

A field-based immersion into environmental field sampling methods. Students gain skills in flora and fauna identification and inventory, assessment of ecosystem health, and sampling methods for air and soil. GPS, GIS, and basic remote sensing skills are utilized in sampling design, collection and visualization of results.

This course will run in the summer of 2024 from May 6 to 15. The course will also be offered Friday mornings during the 2024 Fall term. Summer registration starts February 27 at 10 am and Fall registration starts on March 21.

PREREQUISITES: ENVS 1100.03 and ENVS 1200.03, (or ENVS 1000.06) and open only to students in the BSc and BA Environmental Science program.

Notes: This course runs in a single 3-hour timeslot once a week. It will include a number of field trips, including one early in the term. There will be some online readings and videos to complete ahead of the weekly class time. 

For more information contact: Caroline Franklin at caroline.franklin@dal.ca

ENVS 3001: Environmental Science Field School

Environmental Science Field School is an intensive 3 credit-hour course involving daytrips and a multi-night overnight trips to the Harrison Lewis Field Station or camping in Kejimukujik National Park.

Class topics may include forest ecology, fresh watere monitoring, soils and species at risk monitoring. 

Field School dates:

  • August 21 to September 1, 2024 (with one day off)

ENVS 3001 should be taken in the summer of your second year (pre-requisite is ENVS 2100).

Registration for the course is a first come first serve basis. Registration opens on February 27 at 10 am. If you are planning to graduate in 2025 and were not able to get into the course, please contact an ENVS advisor as soon as possible.

Notes: An auxiliary fee if charged for this course to cover travel and field expenses.

If you have any questions or concerns about Field School, please contact Dr. Sue Gass at susan.gass@dal.ca.