We offer printing on 36 inch wide media. We also offer laminating of media of 36 inch wide or smaller. We have two plotters and a hot double sided laminator.
HP Designjet T3500PS 36-inch plotter
600 DPI
colour resolution is photo quality
ideal for printing display posters and maps
quarter inch border around all artwork
printer uses rolled paper stock
media - 36 lbs high resolution water resistant matte colour bond paper
1 dimension of your submitted art must be within these printable widths
Royal Sovereign 45" Dual Hot Roll Laminator- RSH-1151
Under normal circumstances, we will start printing your poster, AS SOON AS WE RECEIVES IT.
Before you submit your poster, MAKE SURE IT IS CORRECT. If we print the first poster and another version is submitted later, you will have the choice of accepting the first version OR paying for that version AND the newer version.
If that is not acceptable, then please secure a different printing service, but they will have the same rules.
Poster creation guidelines
here is a that you can use as a simple tutorial for constructing posters that we have developed or stolen over the year
ideally, create your poster using Microsoft PowerPoint or OpenOffice Impress. These are common software packages, that everyone usually has on their computers. OpenOffice is a free office suite. OpenOffice will do everything the Microsoft Office will do and you can not argue with the price. We highly recommend OpenOffice
Always submit both the PPT file and a PDF file (if you can create one).
if you use any other software package to create your poster, you MUST convert it to a "finished scaled" PDF file
always, start a new blank slide, sized to your finished poster size. If you want a 36 x 48 inch poster, set your slide size to that and if you convert to a PDF make sure that the PDF is created and oriented to that size. A PDF created as a letter sized document will not print correctly. The PDF will require stretching and that could affect the quality of your images
when starting a new poster, make sure that you set the page size and orientation to the size and orientation of your finished poster
Once you have finished your poster and want to see how the layout looks before sending to us, project it with a data projector to see how it will look full sized on a wall.
construct your poster. When finished, PROOF READ IT CAREFULLY. Save it. If you make an error in your layout or spelling, you WILL be charged for the print
do not make or update a poster by recycling old posters. Do not change the slide size of an old poster to a larger or smaller size and add new information. From our experiences, we have found that posters created this way result in big problems when printing. Most times a poster will not print correctly
another potential problem is if the creators of a poster, send it back and forth between computers and various co-authors using different versions (Powerpoint 2003, 2007, for Mac) of the software and on different OS platforms (Apple, PC). This should be avoided at all costs. It is the easiest way to make a poster print incorrectly
do not, submit a poster that has been created on a Mac OS based computer, with PNG files in it. Covert any PNG graphics files into JPGs. PNG or QUICKTIME images will NOT open in many windows based applications. If we can not see the image, it will not print and you will either need to resubmit or go elsewhere
if you submit your poster on a letter sized original, the images may lose sharpness and become pixelated. Always use the highest quality images in your poster. If it looks bad on the poster drawn to full size, it will look bad on your poster print. The printer will not make it look better
Important information - rates, submission, pick up and payment details
While, we can print posters on short notice, you must submit your poster at least two (2) working days (Saturday and Sunday do not count) before you need the finished product. Printing is done on a first come first served basis. We will not put your poster ahead of others because you waited until the last minute. No exceptions.
printing rate is $6.00 per square foot. A 3 foot (36 inches/91.44 cm) by 4 foot (48 inches/121.92) poster will cost, $72.00
EXAMPLE - (36 in. * 48 in.) / (12 in. * 12 in.) = 12 sq. feet * $6.00 = $72.00)
laminating rate is $2.50 per square foot. A 3 foot (36 inches/91.44 cm) by 4 foot (48 inches/121.92) poster will cost, $30.00
EXAMPLE - (36 in. * 48 in.) / (12 in. * 12 in.) = 12 sq. feet * $2.50 = $30.00)
please, do not submit art that is wider that the printable width (see above)
we will trim posters and laminated material, upon request
art must be submitted as an email attachment or via oneDrive or Dropbox, using macduff@dal.ca as the recipient. Include finished poster size and a phone number where you can be reached, if questions arise
the Dalhousie University official logo should be used on all posters produced by Dalhousie University faculty, staff and students
pick up location and payment details will be emailed to you when print is completed
we accept cash, cheque or Dalhousie University grant
if using a Dalhousie University grant, a completed Journal Entry form(), signed by the grant holder, MUST be submitted when the artwork is picked up. Obtain a copy from your departmental Admin
You can fill out your own Journal Entry form using the information for us in the attached example and send it to financial Services as well as a copy to the emails on the sample JE.
Without a completed signed journal entry, you will have to pay cash or cheque.