Schools & College
Preparing practitioners to excel
The Faculty of Health acts as the umbrella for a number of Schools at Dalhousie – Nursing, Health and Human Performance, Health Administration, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and the QEII/Dalhousie School of Health Sciences – as well as one college - Pharmacy - and one stand alone program: the Clinical Vision Science Program located at the IWK Health Centre. We also have a number of diploma and certificate programs that are part of our Schools/College.
Clinical Vision Science Program
Located at the IWK Health Centre, the encourages an integrated approach to the field of vision sciences and to expanding knowledge of research that underpins much clinical practice. It is the largest orthoptic education centre in Canada and the only one to offer graduates the opportunity to gain certification in orthoptics and opthalmic medical technology. Dr. Darren Oystreck, Director
School of Health and Human Performance
The School of Health and Human Performance offers degree programs in kinesiology, health promotion, recreation and leisure. Students learn about the benefits of physical activity and recreation in contributing to healthy living. Dr. Laurene Rehman, Director
School of Health Administration
The School of Health Administration prepares students for a career in health care at the managerial level and meets the needs of health-care professionals already working in the field: in small and large facilities, community health, multi-service and emergency-service centres. Dr. Lori Weeks, Director
School of Health Sciences
The School of Health Sciences, also known as the QEII/Dalhousie School of Health Sciences, offers specialized degrees for health professionals in five disciplines. We educate sonographers, nuclear medicine technologists, radiological technologists, respiratory therapists and medical lab technologists. Prof. Catherine Gunn, Director
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
The School of Communication Sciences and Disorders educates audiologists and speech-language pathologists at a graduate level. The School also advocates for people with communication disorders. Dr. Michael Kiefte, Director
School of Nursing
Great nurses begin and further their education at the School of Nursing. A career in nursing offers challenge, travel, professional development and the reward of working in a warm and caring profession that's concerned about helping people to stay healthy or to get well.        Dr. Ruth Martin-Misener, Director
School of Occupational Therapy
The School of Occupational Therapy educates exceptional occupational therapists and generates knowledge about the profession in Atlantic Canada and beyond. The "occupation" part of occupational therapy refers to what occupies people everyday: caring for themselves, having fun, and doing work - whether at home, on the job or at school. Dr. Paula Rushton, Director
College of Pharmacy
You might think of the pharmacist as wearing a white coat, standing behind the counter at the local drugstore, counting pills and giving advice to customers. But pharmacy as a career has undergone a dramatic shift: the profession is much more patient focused. The College of Pharmacy gives students the knowledge and skills they need to provide drug therapy for the better health of patients. Dr. Kyle Wilby, Director
School of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists are part of the health care team; they assist with the rehabilitation and prevention of physical problems associated with injury, disease or inactivity. The School of Physiotherapy offers degree programs at the masters level. Dr. Derek Rutherford, Director
School of Social Work
With a long-standing history in the community, the School of Social Work has pioneered theories of practice that take account of systemic inequalities based on gender, sexual orientation, race, culture, ethnicity, class and (dis)ability. Social workers are characterized by their commitment to human rights and social justice. Dr. Judy MacDonald, Director