Richard Murray and his wife MeldaÂ
The centre's services were made possible through a very generous benefactor, Richard Murray, and is named in the memory of his late wife, Melda.Â
Located in A109 in the A/B Building on Sexton Campus (just off of Barrington Street), the Melda Murray Student Centre (MMSC) is designed to enhance engineering student experience on Sexton Campus.
Our Goal is:
To support undergraduate and graduate students in the Faculty of Engineering with tailored & accessible programming, appointments and services designed to meet their needs, enhance student experience and contribute to improving their academic well-being through:
- Live and recorded in-house and outsourced programming (virtual & in-person)
- Student appointments (career, study skills, semester check-ins)
- On-going student feedbackÂ
We take a student-centered approach and we are always open to feedback and suggestions on programming from students, staff, and faculty and external community members.
We encourage you to email us at mmsc@dal.ca and follow us on Instagram @dalmmsc.Â