

Our Department

Departmet Gathering

The Dalhousie University Department of Philosophy is one of the most active and supportive philosophy departments in Canada. Our program will prepare you for any career because philosophy is the .

Where do I begin?

Call to action

The basic skills practiced in philosophy are the very skills demanded and rewarded in the most lucrative, influential professions. Start your journey by registering for a first-year course or pick a second-year course in an area of interest to you.


All Philosophy courses at Dalhousie emphasize the importance of academic integrity. Students are responsible for ensuring that all work they submit is their own, and, unless otherwise explicitly indicated by the instructor, AI-driven tools and generative AI models (including language models like the GPT suite, translation models like Google Translate or DeepL, editing tools like QuillBot, GrammaryGo, etc.) should not be used to generate ideas or written materials for any class offered by the Philosophy department.



  • Congratulationsto Erik Nelson who defended his PhD dissertation,The Nonlinguistic Mind: Nonlinguistic Concepts, Normativity and Animal Cognition, this June.
  • Congratulationsto our PhD student, Clarisse Paron, for being awarded thefor presenting on of the best two student papers at the Annual Meeting, June 2024. The title of her paper is Are the New American Pediatric Obesity Guidelines Eugenic? Eugenic Logics and the Medicalization and Pathologization of Childrens Bodies.
  • Congratulationsto our PhD students, Lara Millman and Clarisse Paron, for being awarded Dalhousies Presidents Graduate/Undergraduate Student Teaching Award(2 of 3 available university-wide awards!)
  • Congratulationsto Dr. Travis LaCroix, who has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy, Durham University, starting in the fall of 2024.
  • Congratulations to Dr. Travis LaCroix, who has been award an Insight Development Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council! Traviss research project is entitled Philosophy on the Spectrum: The Philosophy of Autism and Autistic Philosophy.
  • Tyler Hildebrands paper Inductive Reasoning Involving Social Kinds (with Barrett Emerick) has been published in theJournal of the American Philosophical Association.
  • Congratulationsto Kayla Beals, who is the 2024 recipient of the F. Hilton Page Memorial Prize, awarded to a graduating student whose thesis is judged to be outstanding.
  • Congratulationsto George Arnott, who is the 2024 recipient of the Roland Puccetti Memorial Award for the best essay submitted by a student in a 3000- or 4000-level class. Georges essay is entitled "The Virtuous Cohort" Habituation and Character-Friendship as Rational Motivators for Aristotelian Courage.