Serving its communities is built into Dalhousie’s DNA. Our community clinics, and culture and recreation facilities enrich our city, province, and region. Our goal for the Bringing Worlds Together campaign is to expand our ability to improve access to vital services and contribute to the health and vitality of our communities.
Impact Story
Compassionate Care for Oral Health Equity
Susan Keating-Bekkers (DDH’91) is a dental hygienist, a past Dalhousie Faculty member, a clinic volunteer and a community outreach donor. She supports the Faculty’s efforts to make outstanding oral health care accessible to disadvantaged populations.
“The Faculty of Dentistry outreach clinics have a positive impact on all involved. The students can master their clinical skills and gain valuable experience to serve them in their future practices. Simultaneously, the students offer life-changing treatment to individuals facing considerable barriers to accessing oral health care in our local communities.”