Canadian Institutes of Health Research Project Grants: 2021-2025 (with Zachary Zimmer, Kim Korinek, Deborah Norris, Alan Cohen, Bussarawan Teerawichitchainan, Toan Tran Khanh and Michael Kobor).
Economic Research Forum Grant, 2021 (with Belgi Turan).
Economic Research Forum Grant, 2021 (with Emre Akgunduz, Seyit Cilasun and Belgi Turan).
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (Tubitak), Research Grant, 2019-2021 (with Belgi Turan).
Economic Research Forum Grant, 2015 (with Belgi Turan).
W.E. Upjohn Institute Early Career Research Grant, 2014 (with Melanie Khamis and Mutlu
Faculty of Science International Travel Grant, Dalhousie University, 2011.
Canadian Women Economists Network (CWEN), Travel Grant, 2011.
IZA Research Visit Grant, May 2011.
Dalhousie University New Faculty Research Grant, 2009-2011.
IZA Research Visit Grant, January-September, 2008.
University of Houston Research Grant, 2006, 2008-2009.
Graduate Tuition Fellowship, University of Houston, 2004 2009.
Cullen Supplemental Fellowship, University of Houston, 2004 2006.
Selected Publications
“Exposure to Economic Distress during Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes,” published in 2024 in Journal of Labor Research (with Seyit Cilasun, Erdal Tekin and Belgi Turan).
(with Dozie Okoye and Belgi Turan), IZA DP 13795 (Conditionally Accepted to the Economic Journal)
Silver Lining of the Water: The Role of Government Relief Assistance in Disaster (with Md Habibur Rahman and Mehmet Ali Ulubasoglu) (Accepted to the European Journal of Political Economy)
Estimating the Effects of Expanding Ultrasound Use on Sex Selection in India(with Daniel Rosenblum), Journal of Development Studies,January 2023, 59(4): 1-17.
"The Effects of a Green Nudge on Municipal Solid Waste: Evidence from a Clear Bag Policy" (with Catherine Boulatoff, Dalhousie University) (Accepted at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management).
“War across the Life Course: Examining the Impact of Conflict Exposure on a Comprehensive Inventory of Health Measures in an Aging Vietnamese Population” (with Zachary Zimmer, Mount Saint Vincent University, Kathryn Fraser, Mount Saint Vincent University, Kim Korinek, University of Utah and Tran Khanh Toan, Hanoi Medical University) (Published Online at International Journal of Epidemiology).
“Social Unrest in Impressionable Years and the Formation of Political Attitudes: Evidence from Jewish Expulsions in Nazi Germany” (with Dozie Okoye and Mutlu Yuksel, Dalhousie University), Economic Inquiry, January 2020, 58(1): 184-208.
“Do English Skills Affect Muslim Immigrants Economic and Social Integration Differentially?” (with Cahit Guven, Deakin University and Mutlu Yuksel, Dalhousie University, Economic Record, 2019, 95 (310), 279-300.
War during Childhood: The Long Run Effects of Warfare on Health", Journal of Health Economics, 53, May 2017, 117-130.
Women Make Houses, Women Make Homes" (with Melanie Khamis, Wesleyan University and Mutlu Yuksel, Dalhousie University), Forthcoming at Labour Economics.
Ph.D. Economics, University of Houston, May 2009 (with Distinction)
M.A. Economics, University of Houston, May 2007 (with Distinction)
B.S., Economics with minor in Mathematics, METU, Turkey, 2004 (magna cum laude)