



FAQs about the IDS Honours Departmental Application Form

1.  When and where is the application form due?
The application is due in a single pdf file on the Friday preceding the Winter semester Reading Break. It is due at 4 pm, and should be sent to: nmannathukkaren@dal.ca with the subject heading "LASTNAME - Application for IDS Honours Admission"

2.  Will the department accept applications submitted after the deadline?

3.  How do I go about finding a potential thesis supervisor?
We recommend that you think about potential thesis supervisors before the fall semester begins. The best place to start is perusing faculty web pages to learn more about their individual research interests. Once you find someone who has expertise and experience in an area that you’re interested in researching, make contact before the fall semseter begins and broach the possibility of having him/her act as your supervisor. 

4.  How do I go about deciding on a topic to propose?
Here are some strategies to help you get started:
• Begin by narrowing your focus thematically and/or geographically. What topic would you like to learn more about? What part of the world would you like to do your research on?
• Go through your recent courses and try to identify some lectures/topics/articles that you encountered that really sparked your interest. Plug those terms into an academic database such as Google Scholar to learn a bit more about academic work done in this area.  

5.  When will I be notified about whether my application was successful?
The IDS department will notify all candidates of the decision within two weeks of the submission deadline. 

6.  What criteria are used to determine whether I get into the honours program?

The criteria for admission includes your overall GPA, your IDS and IDS approved classes GPA, the quality of your writing sample offered in the application form, and input from faculty references, and the feasibility of your proposed research topic.

7.  Which courses enter into the GPA that is used to evaluate admission?
The GPA used to determine admission to the IDS honours program is calculated based exclusively courses taken to fulfill IDS degree requirements (e.g. IDS and IDS approved courses). Minimum admission standards to honours require that all students achieve at least a B+/A- in all of these courses. 

8.  Is there anything else I can do to enhance my chances for admission?
No. Please just complete the application form as thoroughly and accurately as possible.

Please direct any questions or concerns not addressed in these documents to the Undergraduate Coordinator.