

TJ Harvey

Young Alumni Achievement
TJ Harvey (Class of ’02)

Coming from an agricultural background, it was an easy decision for T.J. Harvey to attend the Agricultural Campus and earn his diploma in Agricultural Business in 2002. He returned to NB where he worked at what he knew – farming 1500 acres of potatoes, small grain and corn. On the side, he started a trucking company, with his brother and eventually became the new entrant in the egg layer program for NB, divesting from large scale agriculture.

T.J. believes everyone has something to offer – and everyone who can, should.

Which is why he helped start the New Brunswick Young Farmers Forum and has been involved with Canadian Young Farmers Forum, New Brunswick Agricultural Alliance and other organizations. A believer in life-long learning and growing your experiences, T.J. enrolled in the Atlantic Agricultural Leadership program where he travelled the world and became exposed to so many different people in agriculture.

Gradually, T.J found himself organically involved in politics. In the fall of 2015, he was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing Tobique-Mactaquace where he was also Chair of Rural Caucus until 2019.

T.J. sees agriculture as a significant opportunity for our country, now and into the future. As he currently campaigns for Liberal leadership in NB, he is passionate about fostering conversations around opportunity and growth in agriculture – innovating and value adding, and simply doing a better job at telling our story.

Although he’s not hands-on involved in agriculture today, there’s no better champion for agriculture, than T.J. And he is adamant his days in agriculture are not over, he wants to write another chapter in his agriculture story when the time is right.

T.J. Harvey is a very deserving recipient of the Faculty of Agriculture’s Young Alumni Achievement award. Â