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Volunteer spotlight: Robin Hennigar

Robin Hennigar (BEng’66, MEng’68) is a one-time volunteer, who helped organize a Tech-TUNS-Dal reunion with his classmates from ’68.

Posted: December 5, 2023

A man dressed casually smiles outdoors in fine weather with a tree-lined street and bicycle rack in the background.

Robin Hennigar (BEng'66, MEng'68) may be retired and living in Wolfville, but that didn't stop him from volunteering to help organize a Tech-TUNS-Dal reunion with his classmates from '68.

As a one-time volunteer, he offers great insight into how easy it is to donate time and talent to the things that interest you, and whatever you have the capacity for.

How long have you been a Dal volunteer and in what capacity?

Just recently for a one-time project.

What inspired you to volunteer?

I collaborated with some of my classmates from 1968 to create a reunion at Tech-TUNS-Dal.

What was something you learned or gained through this experience?

There are great resources and people at Dal Alumni Affairs (Office of Advancement) and the Department of Industrial Engineering who helped us with this project.

What was the best part of planning this reunion?

We were partway through our reunion plans when we discovered a wonderful person, Jessica Farrell (Manager, Alumni Engagement & Donor Relations in the Department of Engineering), who helped us with several planning details for the three-day reunion. She organized some events for us, including a reception hosted by Dal. She also helped in the planning for we graduates to speak to some current Engineering students.

If other alumni are interested in planning a reunion, what advice do you have for them?

Make sure to collaborate with the folks at Dal Alumni Affairs (Office of Advancement).

What's your favourite memory from your time at TUNS/Dal?

Many from TUNS; I made some great friendships, and I have fond memories of the Smokers with our faculty and the inter-faculty sports program.